Amos Printing Logo

C. M. Amos Printing Co.

Since 1945

Since 1945

Custom PDF & Word Proposals

Please note: The text of these forms cannot be edited, only the text in the input areas can be edited.

PDF Proposals

Custom PDF Proposal

Click to enlarge

Completely personalized; you add the job details into the form. You can conveniently copy text from Word into the form.

Designed to be used with Adobe Acrobat Reader and can be filled in on screen and saved. It can then be printed or emailed in PDF format. If changes are needed, simply open the file, make changes, save, and print or email.

Pricing includes the following features:

  • A logo can be added to this product.
  • You can specify a typestyle for your company name.
  • Page 1: Proposal.
  • Page 2: Standard set of Additional Terms and Conditions.
  • Pages 3-6: Specification pages.
  • All setup charges.
  • All production costs.
  • Additional customization available by estimate; just let us know what your requirements are.


Custom Word Proposals

Custom Word Proposal

Click to enlarge

Designed from the ground up with Word and can be filled in on screen and saved in a separate file. Print or save in PDF format to send to your customer. If changes are needed in the contract, simply open the file, make changes, and save.

Requires Word 2003 or newer; may work with earlier versions; experience with Word very helpful.

Pricing includes the following features:

  • A logo can be added to this product.
  • You can specify a typestyle for your company name.
  • Custom personalization including color logos and colored text as you specify.
  • Type styles will be matched as closely as possible to your sample.
  • Custom headers automatically added when job description forces a new page to be added.
  • Custom set of Terms and Conditions that you provide.
  • Insertion of up to 3 additional pages that you provide.
  • All custom text, terms, and clauses are to be provided in a Word doc.
  • All setup charges.
  • All production costs.
  • Page 1: Proposal.
  • Page 2: Standard set of Additional Terms and Conditions.
  • All setup charges.
  • All production costs.
  • Additional customization available by estimate; just let us know what your requirements are.


To Order:

  • Click + on left edge of window to complete and submit Imprint Submission form.
  • When you've added all the forms you want to the cart then click Checkout Now in the cart overlay to complete purchase.
  • You will receive order confirmation and proofs via email.
  • Completed file will be emailed.
  • Payments: We are using Paypal to process our payments. You do not need a Paypal account to purchase from us. Choose "Don't have a Paypal account" when you get to the payment page.

Imprint Submission

Please enter your name
Valid email address required
Please enter your phone no.


Lines imprint below Company Name; up to 7 lines

Add any wants and include any information you think will clarify your imprint and order. Note artwork, logos, type styles, ink colors, etc.

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